Over 60 years of combined NEPA experience produces results our clients are confident in.
Noise Assessment • Geospatial Analysis •
Stakeholder Engagement Planning • Comment Response
As a subcontractor supporting NAVFAC Atlantic, the Prospect Hill Consulting (PHC) team provided resource-specific impact assessment, planning and comment-response services for the Navy’s NAS Whidbey EA-18G “Growler” EIS. In support of this complex study, PHC staff prepared and contributed to the project’s alternatives analysis, land use and socioeconomic impact studies, collected and displayed geospatial elements of the project and helped to address a wide range of comments on the EIS deliverables.
"PHC provided extremely reliable subject matter expertise for this complicated and highly controversial environmental project. Your overall responsiveness to data calls helped meet very aggressive schedules and his communication styles - both verbal and written - were an asset to the project. The information in this report is for public consumption, and therefore, it is extremely important that the technical data is presented in a manner that is easily digestible by the public, which PHC staff has done exceedingly well. Your work products were organized, very technically sound and has added immense value in all project interactions. PHC is top notch!” - Cindy Shurling, Project Manager, Ecology and Environment, Inc.